Tree Planting for Ria, 20th June 2021

It was a glorious midsummer’s day Ria and we all gathered in the car park at Dove Stone National Park, in the hills you could see from your bedroom Sweet Pea.

We ate croissants and drank orange juice at 10.30 am, watching your dear ones arriving from near and far. Claire came, with love from all those you worked with, Kev from Sheffield, Hinnie, Marcus and Catherine, Raja, Maria, Kaz, Delli, Mel, Janet, John and me. Cal had to self-isolate in Yeovil but was with us in spirit.

Claire is waiting for a knee and hip operation, so couldn’t make the climb uphill but would wait near the reservoir for us. We all set off up to Indian’s Head at 11.30 am. The Life for a Life gardeners, Philip and Dougie, met us on the way and told us to rest a few minutes near their tractor til they got back. Your lovely hawthorn tree was waiting in its spot for us.

A partridge was snooping about it and eyeing us up, wondering what we were doing in her parish . She hung about while Marcus placed some of your ashes in with the tree and we said a few words, then Raja read our little plaque that stands in front of the tree for all of us to hear.

I made my way down the hill (easier than climbing up!) and John stayed to take some photos of everyone in that beautiful spot with their own thoughts. A spot you often visited Sweet Pea – and you were with us, with Dom’s arm round you – just like at Prune’s wedding.

We met up with Claire again and then went into Greenfield to Scona cafe, where Gemma had made afternoon tea for us all. Time to sip drinks of tea, coffee, ginger beer and talk quietly with each other, sharing photos. Gemma brought me a Bushmills in a lovely glass and we toasted you and the blessing we have lived with, having you in our lives.

Raja, Marcus, Catherine, Janet, Kaz, Delli, Maria, Hinnie, Kev – thanks to Mel behind camera and John helping me up in the background…
Your own partridge…
Your hawthorn …
your Hin…
Your Ma at Dom’s tree…

Morning all

It’s 5am on June 19th 2021… there’s nothing more beautiful than a still garden after dawn. The roses are resting like stone angels on a gravestone – not a petal or a wing stirring. It’s as if the world has stopped turning.

The sweetest thing has happened. Our neighbours, Sue and Dave, have planted a bed in front of their bungalow with wild flowers – and called it ‘Leigh’s garden’. The bees love it. So do I.

Tomorrow we shall plant a hawthorn tree for Ria near Indian’s Head in Dovestone , close to Dom’s rowan tree. Her friends will come…Maria, who still sees her sitting on the stairs; Kaz, the wise one who loves to walk and who had a midwife for a mum; Janet the carer, who can clean a house like a dose of salts – pretty in pink; Mel the music-maker, with a smile to die for; Deli of Mel, lover, mother and health worker and Claire, colleague and loving playmate for Ria, who has cared for Cal and Mudge the cat, til both moved on.

And from the family she loved. Marcus and Catherine, beloved son and daughter-in-law who thanked us for planting the tree; treasured son Calum, self-isolating as housemate has covid, will be thinking of us; Chris brother and Susan, sister-in-law will come from Hebden – the second planting for them; Kev, sweet cousin, will come from Sheffield no matter what restrictions try to stop him; Nell, sister will be with us, timid and watchful; Hinnie, sister, with thoughts too deep for words and Raja, neighbour in Mossley and constant friend to us all. David, Ria’s hairdresser, can’t be there for work commitments – but has sent rose quartz crystals for her and will marry Shaun on June 28th. Another postponed wedding, which was to be celebrated in Dovestone last year, but now a quiet homely, family do. What a special place Dovestone is…
John will be with me to help me up the hill, as he has done for nearly forty years.

Then, on Sunday 21st june, it will be Father’s Day.