Treasure on Earth

Some things can never be repaid. And about some people it’s hard to find words…but here they are, let me introduce you, dear Reader, to my daughters.

I’ll try to reveal some of my treasure on earth…

Ri Hin Nell Porthmadog 2016

There are three people who are angels on earth to me – for many reasons –
and they are my daughters Maria, Hinnie and Nell. It’s not easy to write about them separately because
they intertwine for me, like climbing roses, honeysuckle and clematis

I could write a book about them, but these short pieces are to thank them – for knowing me so well,  for their patience and care and for the everlasting joy they bring me.

Nell, my faery child, when I first heard your voice it took my breath away. It was so musical and I thought ‘ Oh thank you God, you’ve given us a mezzo soprano…’ From that moment I always knew you’d be the pitch perfect singer you are. I love to hear you sing.

Nell Feb 1987 Nell and Hinnie 1987  Nell with Dick and Dora Lowside Drive 1987

If I were to choose a colour for you, it would be bottle green. The colour of pine trees in winter, the colour of holly leaves, of bottles filled with red wine and of the snow-covered larches of Scandinavia.

Your music would be Arvo Part’s The Deer’s Cry and Somewhere Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz – both chosen for your courage on your incredible journey through life.


nell dom sea

Your book would be Wuthering Heights and The Little Mermaid your film.

Your poem would be William Butler Yeats’ Squirrel at Kyle-na-no.


A quiet place to meditate with a candle glowing for my sensitive and loving youngest daughter. Sometimes timid, sometimes doubting, always playful and curious, you’re a lover of words, of soft textures and shiny things and of your cat.

Nell Porthmadog 2016

An artist and lover of clown, of theatre and of circus and movement, you also have the strength and stamina of an athlete. You walk taller than any small person I know.



And your voice…your brother was listening to it and said ‘You could make a career with that voice’ – and he knew a good voice! May you always find something to sing about.

I wish for you a happy home always and good people for you to love and share your journey with. Thank you for being my daughter.



Hinnie, my violin child,  you  always try to make people comfortable.

Hin 1984 (2) Hin Leigh Rannoch Moor 1986 Siobhan Nell Hin 1987

Quiet and reflective, philosophy was your friend from your early years and you’re a lover of books and really great at sharing them…a peacemaker.
I’ve watched you grow into T’ai Chi and care for the people around you. And as for me, well, you care for me in ways that reveal how well you know me. You are an active listener and you are wise.

You would go a hundred miles to find the kind of cat who will love your children and your children love you for it.

This way August 2012 IMG_5911
Storytelling is in your nature and poetry swirls  in the air around you like a coronet of cornflowers.
I wish that you always have a garden to tend and to find quiet, with fresh food and fragile flowers.

Dom Hin Leigh Monet's garden Giverny 1995
Your music would be Gustav Holst’s The Lark Ascending and any sweet Irish air.
Your poem would be William Butler Yeats’ When You Are Old.


Chris Dom Hin Peace Gardens Manchester 2003


May you have around you  comfortable clothes, a piano, laughing children who sing and dance, theatre and good friends –
and always a family who cherishes you for the love and energy you give to them.

May your grace and faith always be a stronghold for you and your life’s pilgrimage be  blessed. Thank you for being my daughter.



Ria, my flower child, my first daughter, generous and accepting, how you love a hug!

Maria Mathews Bedford Christmas 1962 Maria Mathews Brittas bay 1963

A lover of colours, sunrises, flowers, animals and insect detail…Ria and Thomas 1964Charles Dominic and Maria Mathews Bedford 1967

With sunshine and music, may you always find pictures to take, seeds to grow, songs you love and a promising sky in the morning…

Ria and Leigh 2011


Eager to have a coffee with you any time, it’s always a treat to share time together…

Your music would be Rodriguez’ Concerto d’Aranjuaz  – under blue skies of course…and your poem would be William Butler Yeats’ The Lake Isle of Innisfree.

Maria Doris Mathews 1966IMG-20170414-WA0001 IMAG0687 Marcus, Cal n Ria

Supplier of Sweet Peas and Morning Glories – eater of Portuguese Tarts, green-fingered cook, mother, sister and beloved auntie, may you always find loving family and friends to share life with. Thank you for being my daughter.






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My dear readers, I live in Manchester, England and would like to share my thoughts of significant people, places and events in my life through this blog. I'm growing old disgracefully in my 74th year, living in a bubble of love blown by my precious friends and family and floating about like Johnnie McGory.

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